Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Assisted Suicide Essay

If you’re suffering from excruciating pain and there’s no hope you will recover and doctors are keeping you alive for as long as you can take for no reason, would you want them to â€Å"pull the plug†? Assisted suicide is mostly legal in 16 countries. In the U.S. assisted suicide is legal in Washington, Oregon, Vermont and Montana does not specifically address physician-assisted suicide but have no laws against it and physicians who practice it are shielded from prosecution. Assisted suicide is a controversy because too many people it’s against their religion. Assisted suicide is considered to be inhumane to some people because some people say that animals are put down, not human beings. Also some believe that some people might take advantage of assisted suicide. It’s a choice that some people might want to take if they’re suffering. Most of the people that are against assisted suicide say it’s because it’s against their religio n. Others believe it is inhumane and say it violates a fundamental tenet of medicine by contradicting the doctor’s role as a healer to end a person’s life (murder) even if they are suffering. Assisted suicide should be legal everywhere because if you do not believe in it then you don’t have to choose that option, but people that believe in it should be able to choose. Many physicians believe assisted suicide should be legal and terminally ill patients should have the choice to end their suffering. If you have the right to live, shouldn’t you have the right to die? If you have the right to live, shouldn’t you have the right to die? â€Å"When such people ask for assistance in exercising their right to die, their wishes should be respected† This quote from Claire Andre (page 1) is stating that someone who is asking to end their suffering from a terminal illness/disease that their wish should be honored and respected. Claire is trying to prove that assisted suicide should be respected if one has the desires to end their  life but only from a terminally illness/disease. She is stating that it’s actually inhumane to keep someone alive as long as possible through medical treatment. If the doctors know that a patient won’t recover they should be able to ask the patient if they want the option of getting a high dose of medicine that will end their suffering. Most people who are against assisted suicide have no reason besides that it’s against their religion because it’s â€Å"technically† suicide. Others say that it’s inhumane and it’s â€Å"technically† murder because you’re taking someone’s life. Also some people think that some people that are having family issues or people who are in debt might try to take advantage of assisted suicide. Dr. Ann McPherson, a 64-year-old GP from Oxford, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. After 14 years of being diagnosed she now has terminal pancreatic cancer and secondary cancer in her lungs. She is only taking her morphine and she does not receive cancer treatment anymore. â€Å"Assisted dying is something I have considered. I have no idea if I want it, that depends on how my dying goes. But I want it to be there.† â€Å"I feel very strongly that palliative care should include assisted dying, I call it assisted dying, not assisted su icide, because suicide has connotations of something bad, running away. I think the law is inhuman as it stands and I think the  ­public is ahead of the lawmakers on this.† (Page 1) she believes that making it illegal to have a physician end ones suffering is inhumane and should be reconsidered. Also no one would be able to take advantage of assisted suicide because there are protocols and you have to be terminally ill. To those who believe that assisted suicide â€Å"technically† suicide and against their religion are wrong. How can it be inhumane if it’s their choice to end their own suffering? If God loved you he wouldn’t want you to suffer through terminally illnesses/ diseases he would want you to be able to end your suffering. Dr. Ann McPherson calls it assisted dying because she believes that suicide is just as excuse to end your problems or run away. Maybe some people are just against assisted suicide because of the name and haven’t looked into it. Maybe if they used the name â€Å"Euthanasia† or â€Å"Assisted dying† more often people might look at it different. Dr. Ann McPherson also has a husband, children, and grandchildren. She states that she wants her family to be there for her and she said â€Å"I don’t want to go to  Zurich, to some anonymous facility; I would want to do it in my own bed. I have a husband, three children and five grandchildren and I would like them to be there if that is the route I go down, though I don’t want them to be directly involved. A professional should be able to do that.† (Page 2). She doesn’t want her family to take part in her death but if she was able to choose that path she would want her family to be there. Also if someone asked a physician to help them assist suicide and they were not terminally ill but they had life problems, they should and would be turned away. Assisted suicide is a way out of suffering from illness and diseases not life issues. There have been only 5 countries to fully legalize assisted suicide and only 3 states (soon to be 4) in the United States. The other 11 countries have no law against suicide/ assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is starting to appear in many court cases around the world and is starting to be considered worldwide. Some countries have no laws about assisting a suicide or suicide itself but do have laws like â€Å"failure to assist a person in danger†, â€Å"an assisted with manslaughter†, â€Å"accessory to murder†, and even â€Å"murder† is brought up in cases that involves someone assisting someone in suicide. While Oregon, Washington State, Vermont and Montana permit physician-assisted suicide, Montana’s Supreme Court determined that assisted suicide is a medical treatment. â€Å"We find no indication in Montana laws that physician aid in dying provided to terminally ill, mentally competent adult patients is against public policy† and therefor e, the physician who assists is shielded from criminal liability by the patient’s consent.†(Page 1) The Montana Supreme Court states that physicians may assist patients in ending their lives with a high dosage of legal drugs. â€Å"The state’s living-will law provides the basis for the practice† said by the Montana Supreme Court (page 1). Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, and the United States (Washington, Oregon, Vermont, and Montana) have legalized assisted suicide. More countries are starting to move toward legalizing assisted suicide/ euthanasia. In 1997 Colombia’s Supreme Court ruled that penalties/ criminal offenses for mercy killing should be removed. They haven’t legalized assisted suicide but are leading towards it. In the United Kingdom a man named Martin who is 46 years old suffered from a brainstem stroke. He is completely paralyzed everywhere except for his eyelids. He has a computer in which he stares at 24/7, that recognizes one letter at a time as Martin blinks and stares at it. He uses his eyes to spell out his desires, frustrations and anger on his computer. He wants to go to court for an assurance that any professional person/ physician who helps him to die/†pull the plug† will not be prosecuted. The doctors said that he could live for years in his state and even his wife is trying to help him fight for the right to die. He describes his life as â€Å"S-H-I-T† and he just wants to die (page 1). The United Kingdom’s laws are suicide is not a crime but assisting a suicide is. Martin is fighting for his right to die and the United Kingdom is debating it. This shows that more and more countries are starting to consider legalizing assisted suicide and they are real izing that in some situations it should be allowed. Assisted suicide should be legalized, allowed, and accepted everywhere .More and more countries are legalizing assisted suicide every year. There should be a choice for someone who is terminally ill and suffering to end their life without anyone being prosecuted. If you don’t believe in assisted suicide then you don’t have to choose that option. A person who is suffering from a terminal illness/disease should have the right to die, no doubt. If you believe it’s inhumane to end ones suffering how is it not inhumane to keep someone who is suffering alive by a machine keeping them alive. If suicide is against your religion then you don’t have to choose assisted suicide, but would God really want you to suffer, no. Also if the name â€Å"assisted suicide† is the reason you’re against it, call it euthanasia. If you believe that it violates a fundamental tenet of medicine by contradicting the doctor’s role as a healer to end a person’ s life (murder) even if they are suffering, you are most definitely wrong. It’s inhumane to keep someone alive who is suffering and have asked you to end their suffering by using an overdose of medicine to make their passing painless and quick. If you have the right to live, shouldn’t you have the right to die? The answer is yes because why/how can it be a crime to commit suicide or assist suicide by a physician? How can you possibly be punished and also why should a Judge be able decide whether you live or not? Assisted suicide  should be legal and not have to have a Judge decide your life. Some people might say its â€Å"technically† suicide and some people might say its â€Å"technically† murder. How on earth is it either of those? First off you are just trying to end your suffering if you choose assisted suicide and a physician assisting a patient’s suicide/death isn’t (should not be considered) murder. The physician is just helping them ease away their suffering. All around the world countries are debating wh ether or not to legalize assisted suicide. More countries every year are legalizing it and already 4 states of the United States have approved it. In some countries if you assist a suicide you could be charged from â€Å"failure to assist someone in danger† to â€Å"murder†. Most people who have been charged with assisting a suicide were let off. The charges were acquitted but not after fighting them in court. Learning more about assisted suicide and suicide in general would give more people more knowledge about assisted suicide and why it should be legalized. Most people were taught very young that killing yourself/someone is very bad so every time the topic about assisted suicide by physician comes up they say it’s wrong to kill yourself and it’s wrong to kill someone. They do not have the slightest clue that assisted suicide is helping suffering people and their families watch them suffer. It would bring peace to the person who is suffering and to their family to know that their suffering has ended. So shouldn’t we have the right to die, if we also have the right to live? If you are suffering from a terminally illness/disease or terrible accident where you can no longer eat, clean, use the bathroom, change clothes, and even adjust yourself wouldn’t you want the option of assisted suicide.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Compiler Design 2

Outline s Refreshing †¦ Uncensored †¦ Groundbreaking †¦. The Dr. Wang’s original lecture: s s s s s Tutorial of Design Compiler s s Introduction Setting Up the Tutorial Graphical Interface The Alarm Clock Design Setting Design Environment Setting Design Constraints Overview of Optimization Phases Analysis of Report DC Tutorial – 2 Introduction s s s Introduction s s s s The Synthesis Process Design Compiler Products Synthesis Programs and Tools Design Styles Input and Output Formats User Interfaces Script Files DC Tutorial – 4 The Synthesis Process Start Rewrite Verilog Code Read in Design Set Attributes Set Realistic Timing Goal Check Design Errors No Yes Fix Bugs Change Constraints Modify Compile Attributes Ungroup Design Blocks The DC Products s DC Professional – No multi-frequency clocking, latch-based time borrowing, pipeline re-timing, critical path resynthesis, in-place optimization, and incremental editing s DC Expert – Include features for maximizing performance s FPGA Compiler – Targets only FPGA technology Optimize No Good? Yes Done DC Tutorial – 5 DC Tutorial – 6 1 Synthesis Tools HDL Design Analyzer HDL Compilers DesignWare DesignWare Developer Architectural Optimization s s Architectural Optimization Gate-Level s s Design Analyzer Logic Optimization Design Compilers Cell Library Library Compiler s s Arithmetic Optimization Timing and Area-Based Resource Sharing Sub-expression Removal Constraint-Driven Resource Selection Inference of Synthetic Part (DesignWare) For more information – HDL Compiler for Verilog Reference Manual Optimized Gate-level Netlist DC Tutorial – 7 DC Tutorial – 8 DesignWare s DesignWare Developer Provide a library of high-level design components – Adders, Multiplier, etc. s s The HDL compiler will select the proper components for you based on your timing and area goals See Documentation Collection (open collection) – Synopsys DesignWare 1997. 01 s Create DesignWare Libraries DC Tutorial – 9 DC Tutorial – 10 DC Products s Cell Library s Library of basic cells used by DC – AND, OR, XOR, etc. s Optimize your design at the gate level Using selected cell libraries s For FPGA compiler, it may contain more complex cells – Xilinx CLBs, IOBs, etc. DC Tutorial – 11 DC Tutorial – 12 2 Library Compiler Design Styles s Yes, you can create your own cell libraries s s Hierarchical or Flatten Combinational or Sequential DC Tutorial – 13 DC Tutorial – 14 Input Formats s s s s Output Formats s s s s s VHDL Verilog PLA & EDIF 2. 00 Xilinx XNF s Synopsys binary format (. db files) VHDL Verilog EDIF 2. 00 Equation, LSI Logic, Mentor Graphics, PLA, state table, Tegas formats Xilinx XNF format DC Tutorial – 15 DC Tutorial – 16 User Interfaces s Scripts s shell> dc_shell – – – – – – – – – unix-like command shell dc_shell> quit dc_shell> cd my_dir dc_shell> alias wv write -f verilog dc_shell> pwd dc_shell> history n dc_shell> list -command dc_shell> man dc_shell> sh â€Å"lpr † s s s s shell> design_analyzer graphical interface DC Tutorial – 17 A set of command can be put together into a file called â€Å"script† Then, you don’t need to re-type some the commands again and again when using the dc_shell Scripts for this tutorial will be provided for your reference You can run them when you are home without the X-window capability DC Tutorial – 18 3 Locate Documentation s s s s s s s shell> design_analyzer & select Help –> On-Line Documentation †¦. Ignore the square window with â€Å"Titles† – select Cancel to close it – focus on the one with â€Å"File, Edit, View †¦Ã¢â‚¬  select File –> Open Collection select Synopsys Synthesis Tools 1997. 1 and then click OK select Documents Formatted for Printing and then click Open In the â€Å"File, Edit, View †¦Ã¢â‚¬  window, now you can select a list of on-line documents DC Tutorial – 19 Setting Up the Tutorial Setting Up the Tutorial s s s s Creating The Directories s >cp -r /baby/synopsys/doc/syn/tutorial . Home Directory tutorial Creating the directories Setting paths and aliases Creating a start-up file Running tutorial with scripts db/ verilog/ vhdl/ appendix_A/ Script files work (empty) DC Tutorial – 21 DC Tutorial – 22 Path s s .synopsys_dc. s etup file %> source /usr/local/bin/setup. synopsys Or you can put it in . cshrc file – %> source . cshrc – %> rehash s s You can take a look of the setup file – %> more /usr/local/bin/setup. synopsys s Creating a . synopsys_dc. setup file can overwrite system default settings %> cp ~/tutorial/. sysnopsys_dc. setup ~/. synopsys_dc. setup %> vi ~/. synopsys_dc. setup – company = â€Å"Motorola Somerset†; – designer = â€Å"CEO†; – view_background = â€Å"while†; s It basically setup the right environmental variables for you DC Tutorial – 23 DC Tutorial – 24 4 More about setup file s Scripts s s %> more . synopsys_dc. setup – search_path = { } + search_path – link_library †¦ target_library †¦ symbol_library †¦ define_design_lib †¦ s s s s s search_path = {a directory} + search_path – if you cp tutorial into a directory other than home link_library: location of subdesgins referenced by the design target_library: identify technology libraries symbol_library: identify symbols library for generating/viewing schematics define_design_lib: identify a temporary place to store intermediate files created by the analyzer DC Tutorial – 25 No X-Window, No Problem Find script files in ~/tutorial/appendix_A/. See Design Analyzer Reference Manual for more detail DC Tutorial – 26 Graphical Interface s s Start: %> design_analyzer & Quit: Select File –> Quit Menu Bar Graphical Interface View Buttons Level Buttons Scroll Bar Message Area (view_background = â€Å"while†;) View Window DC Tutor ial – 28 Mouse Buttons s Check Default Setup s Setup –> Defaults †¦ Left Button – Select design and design objects s Mid Button – Add or remove objects from a group of objects already selected s Right Button Bring up the pop-up menu DC Tutorial – 29 DC Tutorial – 30 5 Read in a Design s Save a Design s File –> – analyze & elaborate – read File –> Save or Save As †¦ – Once a design is selected s analyze : – read in VHDL/Verilog; check for syntax and synthesizale logic; store as intermediate formats – Use to read each sub-design + top level design s elaborate : – create the design from intermediate formats; determine the correct bus size; Use for top level design + sub-design with parameters passing in s read : read design formats other than HDL (db, PLA, tc. ) DC Tutorial – 31 DC Tutorial – 32 A Design Has 4 Views s s s s s Design View s Design View Symbol View Sc hematic View Hierarchy View T View (No Use) After â€Å"read† in all 13 verilog files in the tutorial directory – you first enter the Design View DC Tutorial – 33 DC Tutorial – 34 Symbol View s Schematic View s Select TIME_STATE_MACHINE and double-click on it -> you enter the symbol view of the design Click on the â€Å"schematic view† button on the left hand side DC Tutorial – 35 DC Tutorial – 36 6 Hierarchy View s Design View Icons s s s s Click the up arrow (left hand side) to go back to design view; doubleclick on TOP; Select View –> Change View –> Hierarchy – TOP contains 6 modules Netlist: read in as a netlist and optimized to gates Equation: In VHDL, Verilog, or equation format that is partially or completely behavioral PLA: Specified in PLA format State Table: Specified in state table format Y=A+B 010-0 1-101 PLA State Table Netlist Equation DC Tutorial – 37 DC Tutorial – 38 Command Window s dc_shell Commands Setup –> Command Window †¦ s For more information, – see Design Compiler Reference Manual: Fundamentals DC Tutorial – 39 DC Tutorial – 40 Design Attributes s Operating Environment Sub-menu s Attributes are values you set to control the optimization process – Select Attributes from the menu s The Attributes menu provide access to – – – – – – – Set input and output delays Set drive strengths set loads Characterize subdesigns Select operating conditions Choose a wire load model Create or modify a clock DC Tutorial – 41 Set design properties that describes the internal conditions of a design and the design’s interaction with its surrounding – drive strength on ports – the time that signals arrive on ports – load driven by output ports DC Tutorial – 42 7 Optimization Constraints s Design Optimization s Set the goal for design optimization – largest delay allowed – greatest area allowed Select Tools –> Design Optimization – See Design Compiler Reference Manual: Optimization and Timing Analysis for more detail s Two set-constraint windows – Design Constraints window †¢ Goals for area and power †¢ Design rules implied by technology library †¢ Test-related constraints (testability) – Timing Constraints window †¢ Timing constraints s DC Tutorial – 43 DC Tutorial – 44 Locating Problems s Generate Report s Before and after optimization, use Schematic View and Check Design to locate problems – Generate schematic view – Select Analysis –> Check Design – Jump to a design object †¢ Click on an error or warning message in the Design error window †¢ Click on the show button Analysis –> Report †¦ DC Tutorial – 45 DC Tutorial – 46 Run a Script File s Setup –> Execute Script – check out ~/tutorial/appendix_A/*. script – dc_shell> include The Alarm Clock Design DC Tutorial – 47 8

Monday, July 29, 2019

The United States and the War of 1812 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The United States and the War of 1812 - Essay Example Both houses approved the message and they signed an accord, which supported war against Britain on 18 June (Turner, 11). How the United States became involved in the War of 1812 Americans constantly call the War of 1812 as the second American War of Independence. The major reasons that prompted the United States to declare war against the British was their constant abuse of America’s sovereignty. Particularly, the British interfered with the affairs of North America. This intrusion of Great Britain in North America angered the United States (Martin, 2). In various occasions, the Royal Navy prevented neutral ships from getting inside the ports controlled by Napoleon. It emerged that most of these neutral ships that the British stopped came from the United States. Eventually, most Americans felt that the British were restricting their important trade (Turner, 22). Americans also felt that this restriction of trade by the British occurred in a way that Britain did not consider Am erica as a sovereign nation. The British continued their intrusion as if America did not exist. In addition, the British acted in a way to suggest that America was only a young and minor nation which did not require respect and which could not pose any threat (Healey, 3). The British also angered the Americans due to the habit of the Royal Navy stopping neutral ships from America in search of contraband and deserters who had fled from the cruel and brutal life on British warships (21). In some occasions, the British captains acted impulsively and even lured men who were native-born Americans into service on British warships. These actions by the British continually angered the Americans who felt that the British were interfering with their important affairs (Turner, 22). Even though America attempted to reverse these situations through diplomatic complains, the British continued with these operations. In another attempt to stop these harassments, America summoned a invalidate trade restriction intended to punish the British, but it made many American merchants insolvent. It seemed to America that the British were too anxious to fight Napoleon that they did not consider the peril of United States. In addition, the British did not care of what the Americans can do since they considered it as a young nation without ample military and economic foundation (Healey, 5). Thomas Jefferson, the American president was responsible for defending the nations honor. Since Jefferson was an educated person, he closed up the American waters from supplying water to the British warships, facilitated the release of three seamen and ordered the British to end their harassment actions towards America. Even though the British compensated the Americans for their actions, impressments still went on unabated (Hickman, 1). There was still another grievance that lay at the heart of American hostility toward Great Britain and which prompted America to join the war. During that time, Americ a was expanding its boundaries as it was outgrowing its coastal boundaries westward (1). Britain also realized the potential of this huge and already managed a vast amount of the land in its Canadian provinces. Instead of leaving things the way they were, the British supported the American Indians to struggle and fight against American settlers who were migrating westward from the original United States (Healey, 2). Most Americans in the west assumed that the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Report on religious traditions Religion is Tenrikyo Research Paper

Report on religious traditions Religion is Tenrikyo - Research Paper Example Some would even argue that it is still not a separate religion, but remains a branch or sect of Shinto. The name comes from Tenri ,which means "heavenly wisdom" in Japanese, or â€Å"heavenly intelligence ( Morrigan 2013), and Kyo meaning "teaching, and so Tenriko is the teaching of heavenly wisdom as put forward by a benign deity. In its earliest days was mainly a grass roots peasant’s movement, with a strong shamanic element. It set out to meet the needs of ordinary people and also drew its support in the main from the lower stratas of Japanese society. Followers of Tenriko have faith in God, who is known by several names. This God has expressed his divine will through Nakayama Miki's part as the Shrine of God, together with other less important leaders who followed her, such as Honseki Izo Iburi, known when young for his carpentry skills, and who took over Tenriko leadership on the death of the foundress. Morrigan ( 2013) discusses the fact that, despite its female founder , Tenriko can be seen as sexist with leadership often being handed down the male line, father to son , whether or not the new leader is the most suitable , and clearly sees this as something that has gone wrong. Having researched lists of clerics Morrigan has found ( 2013) no sign of a church led by a woman , or any movement asking for the advocating for a greater inclusion of women in leadership in Tenriko. Similarly to the situation found in too many other faiths , and in particular in Christian churches , women tend to have their own organizations and activities, although officially training for ministers is open to both males and females and the idea of equality is an important tenet of the faith. It seems likely that the more patriarchal practices which have crept into Tenriko have occurred as it became established as an officially recognized part of Shintoism and also had to survive the difficult times of the early 20th century, which of course included Japan’s involvem ent in two major wars, as well as the country’s economic collapses during the Great Depression and as a result of World War II. According to Dempsey ( 2013) although there are now followers in many countries, this new religion began in Japan in the mid-19th century, and is based upon revelations to a woman called Nakayama Miki, known to her followers as Oyasama. The exact date of the church’s founding is 10/26/1838, the date on which Miki’s husband Zenbei felt he was complying with the wishes of God by accepting his wife as a shrine, that is he was accepting that God was actually dwelling inside his wife. They had married when Miki was only 13, and she has been described as a perfect and virtuous housewife. The events described took place more than 30 years after their marriage ( Let us reason ministries, 2009). In her 40’s a Shino priest was called to the home to carry out some form of "mystical ritual" in order to cure both Miki and her husband. At this time she went into a trance and had her first revelation. She spoke as if the voice of God was actually speaking through her. Tenrikyo Church World Headquarters can be found in the city of Tenri, in central Japan. I tis built around Jiba, the place where, according to ancient tradition humankind was first created by God the Parent and, so, symbolically, and according to the faith of believers , is therefore the ancestral home of all people. According to the doctrine of Tenriko ,:- In the beginning, the world was a muddy ocean. Tsukihi, God the Parent, finding this chaos unbearably tasteless, thought of creating human beings in order to see the Joyous Life and thus share in that joy.( Doctrine of Tenriko,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Think 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Think 3 - Essay Example judged the government was in welcoming a technology that allowed human beings to produce androids which resemble human beings in every way only that they lacked bone marrow and empathy. "Emigrate or degenerate! The choice is yours!" (pg. 6). This indicates that the government believed that the American government disintegrated after WWT and a new society could only be created in a new land. However, as the novel progresses, the new glimpse of life seen on earth are deem and incomparable to the attractive life in Mars. The question of what makes us human is evident when the author states "...ultimately, the empathic gift blurred the boundaries between hunter and victim, between the successful and the defeated" (Dick 29). It is empathy that differentiates us from androids. However, technology is challenging this inordinate ability and the continual use of technology is making us isolated and might soon challenge our very existence. Living a false life is currently the order of the day as evident through social platforms such as Twitter and Facebook which makes us highly connected yet very isolated. â€Å"The electric things have their life too. Paltry as those lives are† (Dick 239). The technological devices invented by human beings have a life of their own, but we increasingly find ourselves attracted to ‘their’ life, forgetting our life. Reading Philip Dick’s novel, one realizes how the present world is actually experiencing the situation that was foreseen decades ago. It is an outstanding masterpiece to every student who believe in the destructive nature of

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Crusades Saladin Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Crusades Saladin - Research Paper Example The paper "The Crusades Saladin" discusses The Crusades Saladin. Besides heavy casualties, the expeditions influenced its participants in their various aspects of life to adopt new mannerisms, foods, cultural outlooks, learning, and weapons. The Born á ¹ ¢alÄ Ã¡ ¸ ¥ al-DÄ «n YÃ… «suf ibn AyyÃ… «b in 1138, Saladin emerged as a powerful and most influential Muslim sultan of his time. During his reign, Saladin led troops in wars geared at regaining holy lands such as Jerusalem, which were lost during earlier battles. This was achieved by conquering and unifying warring factions before defeating King Richard I of England in the Third crusade. As such, Saladin is regarded as a great leader for his role in uniting and leading the Muslim world into crusades such as the battle of Hattin through to the Third Crusade. This paper illustrates the life of á ¹ ¢alÄ Ã¡ ¸ ¥ al-DÄ «n YÃ… «suf ibn AyyÃ… «b with regard to his rise to power, leadership, and crusades. Saladin’s heritage is subject to debate among historians who fail in consensus on his paternal family origins. Some describe him as a Kurd while others illustrate an Arab and Turkish ancestry. Saladin’s father, Najm ad-Din Ayyub was a warden at Tikrit fortress after rising in prominence as a wealthy Kurdish chief and a noble Muslim before Saladin was born. For this reason, Ayyub developed administrative skills that made him useful to the then ruler. Tikrit was a significant city as a scholars centre to both Christians and Muslims. The thirst for power and wealth saw Ayyub assist a rival leader.... However, the thirst for power and wealth saw Ayyub assist a rival leader, Imad ad-Din Zangi Lord of Mosul, after his defeat by offering them refuge in Tikrit. Similarly, Shirkuh, Saladin’s uncle was accused of murder, which forced Ayyub and his family to flee with his family on the same night the Saladin was born (Nicolle 10). In 1139, Saladin's family moved to Mosul where Zangi received them and proceeded to appoint Ayyub as the commander of his fortress in Baalbek, Syria as acknowledgement of his help. Saladin spent most of his early life in Baalbek following his father’s military career, which would later play a critical role in nurturing his leadership skills. Saladin’s early childhood education focused on religion, ethics, and culture, which involved learning Arabic, poetry, grammar, and formal prayers (Burhan). In addition, Saladin studied the Koran and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad as demanded in accordance to Islamic traditions. Over time, he was mai nly interested in learning Islamic principles concerning Christians and Jews owing to the prevalent barbaric crusades in Jerusalem. This interest can also be attributed to the day he was born as his family was exiled following the murder of a Christian by his uncle. Saladin failed to understand how Islam called for noble treatment of Christians and Jews even as they were involved in massacres in Jerusalem, in the name of crusades. In spite of the controversy surrounding the ill treatment of Muslims by Christians, Saladin was guided by Sufism, which sought for a higher spiritual life and closer intimacy with God. With great influences such as his father and uncle, Saladin grew up in a cultured environment of Damascus where he completed his education. It is indicated that Saladin got

Unit 41, unit 38 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words - 1

Unit 41, unit 38 - Coursework Example With a web browser such as the ‘Internet Explorer’, can allow you to view web pages that contains text, images, videos, sounds and even multimedia that is in between the hyperlink. Just Eat is an online takeaway food delivery service, which enable customers to search their local area’s restaurant with all the different types of cuisines that are available in that certain area. This system operates when the customer assess their website, and search the post code of the area that they are in, and within seconds the restaurants that have registered with Just eat will appear on the web page showing all the different types of cuisines that are available at that certain time. The customer can now select their favorite restaurant, and select the food they wish to order that are available, and meanwhile placing the order, you will have to register with Just eat and becoming an existing member, this service is free of charge, and during the process of register, you will have to fill in your relevant information such as your name, address, email address and telephone number etc. And now the last step of placing the order is to choice paying by card or cash, and w hen the order is placed, a confirmation statement of your order will be delivered to your email with a list of food you ordered, and along with the order number and expected delivery time. When you have signed up as a member with Just Eat, they will automatically send you 1-2 email each week promoting new restaurants that have registered with Just Eat recently. And these emails generally include information of new dishes or new cuisines, which has been highly recommended by other members of Just Eat. Also being a member of Just Eat can help you redeem vouchers or discounts on particular items offered by the organization. Established in 2001, is an online portal where customers can order take-ways online from a variety of participating restaurants.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Gran Torino Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Gran Torino - Movie Review Example The beginning of the movie shows Walt Kowalski as a loner, whose wife has recently died leaving him alone in a neighborhood which is gradually being filled heterogeneous working-class ethnic minorities. In such a scenario, the American flag hoisted in front of his house and his meticulous mowing of his lawn maintaining boundaries are suggestive of the strict boundaries Walt has in his mind. He is strictly American, who drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, drives a vintage Gran Torino and hates Land Cruiser and Hmong people. He refers to his Hmong neighbors as, "swamp rats" and "barbarians". He even doesnt mind closing the door on Thaos face when the later turns up at his door asking for jumper cables. However, his endeavor to save his lawn one night accidentally saves Thaos life and leads to a battery of interactions between the Lor family and himself. Initially reluctant to take the relationship with his neighbor any forward after that night, Walt throws away all the gifts and flowers that the Hmong neighbors leave at his doorstep as their mark of gratitude towards the man who saved their child. On one hand, this scene shows how the Hmong culture pays respect to a person who has helped them, on the other hand, it also shows how Walt is not ready to accept gratitude for a deed that he never actually intended to do. Walt only tried to keep people out of his lawn. However, he actually saves Sue from being harassed by three colored boys in a desolate area. It is Sue who introduces Walt to Hmong culture by enlightening him with the fact that, Hmong is a race of hill people. The party scene at Lors house actually shows Walts adaption to a new culture which till date he had no idea about. The audience along with Walt comes to know that Hmong think a persons soul resides on his head and should never be touched. They also consider it rude to make eye contact while talking and would most likely be found smiling while being

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The History of Slavery in Virginia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The History of Slavery in Virginia - Essay Example During the initial days, the black people were treated as slaves. They performed their duties just as normal citizens. Others even had properties to their names. A good number of them resided on plantations. It is during the 1660’s after the laws regarding slavery for the blacks were enacted that the situation for the blacks in Virginia turned to a new phases (Journal of the House of Delegates 15). Slave trade in Virginia went on for about 200 years, until around 1808 where the activity faced a ban in accordance to the constitution of the US in Article I, Section 9. Although the issue of slavery was put to an end according to the court’s decision, the government was in support of slavery (Journal of the House of Delegates 27). Tobacco was Virginia’s chief agricultural product, and it was a success for the state. Virginia saw the ban of slaves as an opportunity for the state since they had slaves in excess because of their fast rate of reproduction. They knew they could make money out of the ban. This is so because the shortage in supply would result to an increase in demand for the slaves, and so Virginia would sell them to the southern states at an increased price. However, there were several attempts by the slaves to rebel against their masters. In each attempt of rebellion made by the slaves, the government would immediately enforce the laws to become more severe as a way of punishing them and preventing them from assembling. It was through that activity that the government of Virginia would ensure to reduce the threat of having the slaves rebelling against them (Morgan 35). It was during 1831 that Nat Turner facilitated a successful slave rebellion. This was by far the biggest rebellion ever experienced in the history of United States. The rebellion was motivated by the success of the revolution that was experienced in Haiti in 1790 that saw the French Rule being overthrown. Turner was inspired by the Haitian achievement and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rondell Data Corporation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rondell Data Corporation - Case Study Example This report stresses that Rondell Corporation uses a functional structure, a design that entails grouping of people because they possess similar knowledge, skills or use the same resources. The employees in the Rondell are sourced mainly from one particular field, that of engineering, and they are then grouped in specialized departments because they use the same skills and resources. In the case of Rondell, for example, Doc Reeves was preferred by Dave Schwab to move from Frank Forbus department to work in his. This shows that Reeves possesses skills that can enable to work in another department. Reeves are generally and engineer. This paper makes a conclusion that due to increased competition within companies, this structure is the most suitable as it tends to reduce the time required to bringing a new product to the market, as the process of product development is sped up. This structure involves centralization of the support functions and adoption of multidivisional structure whereby each department will have its own support functions. Specialists from the support functions are put together into product development groups that concentrate in the needs of a specific kind of product. The result is that each group becomes an independent division led by a product team manager, whose role is to oversee the operational activities related to the development and production of the product. The product groups specialize on the requirements of the product and they put their effort in it to ensure customer satisfaction.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Interviewing techniques Essay Example for Free

Interviewing techniques Essay Things that made it difficult or uncomfortable One semester as an undergraduate, I tried out for a student-leader position on campus and one of the last rounds of interviews was to be done by a panel of five persons. The thing that made the interview most uncomfortable was the fact that so many persons were focused on me, assessing my abilities to perform in the office I sought. Things that made it welcoming and comfortable Once the interview got started, I was made to feel welcome as each person smiled and shook my hand. They asked me how I was doing, and were very explicit about wanting me to relax. Types of questions you were asked The questions they asked pertained to leadership. They asked me to identify the characteristics that I considered indispensable in any leader. They were curious to know how I would react in a number of scenarios in which students were portrayed as being disruptive or insubordinate. 4. On the basis of your memory: †¢ What were the characteristics of the interviewer? There were many interviewers, but the main one was the dean of women. She behaved more in the office of assessor. While the other interviewers asked most questions, she took note of the answers and restricted her actions to nodding and smiling. She did smil,e however, and her smiles were calming. †¢ What made the interview memorable? The interview was memorable because of the sheer number of persons that were all focused on me. However, it was a good interview mainly because of the smiles that the people wore and because of my preparation—which allowed me the ability to answer every question with depth and accuracy. †¢ Had you been the interviewer, what would you have done differently? As the main interviewer, I would have taken more charge of the interview, controlling the direction of the inquiries perhaps by asking some questions as well. Interview Questions: i. How long have you been studying the humanities? ii. What genre of the arts do you most prefer? iii. Do you have a favourite artist—whether painter, architect, writer, poet, etc.? iv. Name one or two of your teachers who had a profound influence on you while growing up. v. At what point did you make the decision to become a university professor? vi. How many years have you been lecturing? vii. Do you enjoy it? Why? viii. Describe the road you took to arrive at this stage in your career. ix. Was it a very difficult road? Why or why not? x. Would you do it over again if you had the chance? 1. What type of interview did you conduct? The interview was done with a professor in the humanities department. It sought biographical information as well as insight into areas of inspiration and struggle in the life of the university professor. 2. How effective do you think you were in probing and obtaining information? The interview was very effective first of all because the subject matter chosen was one of which the interviewee was a master. The use of ice-breaking questions, such as â€Å"how did you start out? † made it easy for her to begin (Wheeler, 2007). It also started out in an area where the professor was able to speak about her passion—whether art or literature. Probing an area in which she was passionate caused her to be very talkative and she provided a lot of information. The openness with which she spoke about these subjects allowed her to be open to answering the more personal questions that came later—regarding her influences and struggles with the subject. Furthermore, the fact that the interview used open-ended questions as well as probing words (such as â€Å"explain† and â€Å"why, or why not†) allowed me to probe, if necessary, to a greater depth of information on subjects. I also left a general, overarching question for the end (NIU, n. d. ) 3. Do you think your way of interviewing applies to any profession? Why? This way of interviewing does apply to a lot of professions. However, it would perhaps not apply to all, as the questions asked assume a very relaxed atmosphere and are relatively imprecise. Certain persons (like doctors) who have very tight schedules might not have time to give long stories about their lives and might prefer closed-ended questions. However, I believe that the type of questions I chose were appropriate for the type of person I interviewed. References NIU. (n. d. ) â€Å"Conducting interviews. † NIU English Department. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University. Retrieved on March 1, 2007 from http://www. engl. niu. edu/wac/interview. html Wheeler, K. (2007). â€Å"Research assignment #3: Conducting an interview. † Composition and Literature. Carson-Newman College. Retrieved on March 1, 2007 from http://web. cn. edu/kwheeler/researchassignment3. html

Advice for raising children

Advice for raising children Advice for raising children At different ages children are exposed to different situation; it may or may not lead them to negative emotions. Therefore, parents are always concerned about how to treat their childrens negative emotions, and about how to build intimacy with their children. Recently, I have read four different articles which talk about developing strong bond between parents and children. In the articles, â€Å"Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child,† by John Gottman, â€Å"Our Approach to Discipline,† by William Sears and Martha Sears, â€Å"The Childhood Roots Of Adult Happiness,† by Edward Hallowell, â€Å"How to Behave so Your Children Will, too,† by Salv Severe focuse on building healthy relationship between children and parents. Gottman, Hallowell, and Sears, emphasis the important of communication in parenting. Parenting can be very difficult, but these tips that authors offer may help you become closer with your child. Gottman claims that empathy strength the parent children bond. Parents must acknowledge their own negative emotions before they try to understand their childrens emotions. When you talk to your kids about their problems, you show them that you are their ally when it comforts and supports your child. Parents want their children to be more independent and solve their own problem. Sometimes parents tend to neglect their childrens emotion, just to teach them lesson; however it causes children to build negative emotions. Thus, it is essential to have an understanding between parents and children to enrich strong relationship. Sears suggests discipline is effective when parents connect with their children (pg 90). The parents are connected to their children; the more likely the children are to acc ept the parents discipline. Hallowell asserts that when parents love and accept their children, the parents and children develop connectedness (pg 97). Strong connectedness at school and home will make child less likely to become depressed, suicidal or drug users. Children are happier and more confident when they feel connected. Severe insists that parents are most effective with discipline when they cooperate with their children rather than trying to control them (pg 108). If parents let their children make decision, children learn independent. As with Sears strong parent child bond ensures the effectiveness of discipline. In addition, sears claims that communication between children reduces misbehavior it is really important how you interpret your childs problem and listen to it. Once children have experienced their own feeling, they are capable of understanding others. When parents child relationship is good, children accept more of their parents modeling. If parents want their c hildren to respect others, they have to respect their children too. Parents who communication well with their children, and enable their children to communication well with others. Sears and Hallowell believe that Childrens self-esteem influences their social behavior and learning. Hallowell asserts that motivations, positive attitudes, and behaviors influence children to have high self-esteem (pg 98). Children who have high self-esteem are mostly likely to response optimistically. They also manage difficult situation, and less negative emotions. Sears considers that children who act positively and tend to have high self-image. They also behave in wise manner. In addition, children with low self-esteem will not able to experience anything new; thus, they are less likely to succeed in school. Severe asserts parents should teach their children to make responsible decisions (pg 109). If the children are having hard time finding the solutions, parents should ask them for the possible solutions they can come up with it. There are usually more than one solution but allow your children to come up with the solutions. It will help them to understand the consequences and improve their ability to consciously make wise decisions. Sears and Gottman insist parents to set up limits on their children to maintain discipline and behavior. Sears claims that setting up limits on childrens behavior, the children are less likely to cross their limits (pg 92). When setting limits, you will sometimes need to alter to the more cruel disciplinary approach of punishment. If parents set harsh limits, their children will learn positive discipline. It helps them develop into responsible and dependable adults. Gottman believes that parents often set limits for childrens misbehavior and it also makes life more successful for your child in the long run. Sever believes that children often learn how to behave from their parents behavior (pg 106). Childrens home environment influenced on their school performance therefore, if children have grown up in environment where it is happy, they tend have positive influence. The qualities the children received from their parents are being polite, supportive, caring, generous and compassionate. Parents are their most profound inspiration. Parenting style can be present various ways throughout childrens life. Since children learn most of their behavior from their parents, these techniques greatly helpful for parents to raise children.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Introduction About Competitive Advantage Commerce Essay

Introduction About Competitive Advantage Commerce Essay First of all, I would like to define what is competitive advantage? Competitive advantage will be exists when the company is able to deliver the same benefit as what the competitors delivering but in a lower cost (cost advantage), or deliver benefit that exceed these of competing products (differentiation advantage). Thus, competitive advantages give the company capable to create great value for its customers and great profits for itself. As what Michael Porter mentioned two basic types of competitive advantage are the Cost advantage and Differentiation advantage. Cost competitive advantage. To achieve this kind of advantage in the company all what the company should do is to offer the better products to the customers with reduced cost compared to the competitors. For example, HP has achieved sustainable cost competitive advantage over all its competitors by being able to produce highly quality laptops at a cheaper rate. Differentiation competitive advantage The organization can achieved Differentiation competitive advantage if it is can make better values with its competitors. Distinctive Competencies Value Creation Resources Cost Advantage Or Differentiation Advantage Capabilities Figure 1: Competitive advantage Models As we have in Figure 1describes a competitive advantage model. we have seen from the model combination of the organizational human resources and material resources and capabilities forms the distinctive abilities to make the organization able to make a difference with respect the cost advantage of differentiation advantage, which will creates values for the organization and the customers. This is a good way based on the theory that more benefit to the company itself to reach a goal continually, like in the company, we should have quality and capability compare with the competitor. How Competitive Advantage helps to the Hewlett- Packard Company. HP Company one of those IT companies which is biggest in all over the world with quarterly yearly about $97.1 billion .This company able to remain this great record in the competitive advantage over the competitors. The sustainable competitive advantage able to achieve the benefit for the company with many ways that does not has other choice except sustaining like this record. Gain of the competitive advantage has increased the companyà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s revenue well. In 2006, HP achieved better revenue about $91.7 billion, in the same time the revenue of IBM about $91.4 billion, as for the revenue of the company in 2007, became much better about $104 billion, and it became the first IT company arrived to revenue more than $100 billion, and it continued to progress did not stop at this level, acquisition of the EDS in 2008, also jacked up the revenue to $118.4 billion. The competitive advantage start gained and afforded since HP attributed to leadership position in the world technology with groups strategically assigned to drive industry leadership in the main technology areas. The Personal Systems group is responsible about the work station, mobile computing equipments and PCs that coming from lead the business and consumer. As for the imaging and printing group their responsibly is how to get the successful for record in forms of printing devices, as for the imaging and printing group their responsibly is how to get the successful for record in forms of printing devices. The performance of these HP groups makes HP Company almost the best among of its equals. In January 2010 a report from Gartner and IDC Market Research Firms, there is a wide gap between HP and Dell. HB was the 6th largest world software company. As for 2008, it was global leadership position in laser, Jacket, large format and multifunction printers market and the second IT service provider throughout the world. All these results did not come by chance, but this company got these result by maintain some degree of superiority on the competitors. In the end we can get one thing that, all the benefits the company got is based on the competitive advantage. Analysis of Competitive Advantage in HP Company. The HP Company has an ability to afford and achieve competitive advantage well-deserved. The company took the way that to Simplifies the technological experiments for the customers. This is including to all the services start from printing, personal computing, services, software and IT infrastructure, this is very important to let all HP products usable and with simply from the users. There is only one way can analyze HP competitive advantage is by discussion of HP values, where HP values are associated with the set out by the founding HP leaders. Those unique ways underscoring for the decision-making as for the advancement of the firm it is just like a map, and HP pioneers based on the corporate culture on integration and reinforcement from critical opposites position. The useful thing from this practice is, use the benefits of the approaches as the case and Balancing associated risks, and also there is another way the competitive advantage of HP Company is through developing cross functional individuals. Unlike other companies that just hire staffs and train them for a specific job requirement to be assigned to such staffs throughout their stay in the organization, HP makes sure that all her employees move more than four to six functional areas with the company to allow them to work more than one departments of the company and thereby effectively managing the organizational knowledge through effective sharing among its staffs. It has been widely agreed that in this knowledge era, effective knowledge management will surely lead to achievement of competitive advantage. The reason to make HP Company strong is the quest for developing the employee, because the developing of the employees very important to progress the company, so because of this reason the company able to achieve effective organizational in 2004, Miller recognized that since 1980, became too busy with all the employee retraining program that call (SJS) Software Job Skills. The company quested to retraining employees who may naturally be laid-off, that makes the company to be able to afford its competitive advantage when the employees every time continue to be relevant and compliant with the new trend organizational need and employees are considered important in the performance of every organization. Organizational competitiveness is coming by implementation of knowledge management and its benefits. Knowledge management helps to reduce the product cost as a result of the possibility of re usability; this allows the organization to be able to offer services of the same quality even better than that of its competitive at a relatively low cost. This is important way to gaining competitive advantage. In addition, the implementation of knowledge management brought about better employee productivity and coordination which has a positive result which effect on organizational performance, also have another important factor in everywhere is service deliver powered by the real time communication facility. As HP has wise saying as following If only HP know what HP knows! It means that the required knowledge and skills for solving your problem resides somewhere within the company. This means that the company has achieved a lot through effective communication. All these account for achieving sustainable competitive advantage. According to Lava, Feyhl and Kakourus (2005), the business supply chain cant achieve to using only the Operation Research or from the global era, this methods is move faster in the business environment, will require a lot of time which might result in to delay in the service delivery and thereby negatively affect customer satisfaction. Planning of HP came out with that which is combines the optimization ability. HP have a same opinion that the risk that related with the product by the demand, the component of price and uncertainty the stock and all of the company influence the revenue and profits. Based on Ngali, Hwang, Sanghera, Gaskins, Pridgan, Thuvston, Mackenvoth, Branvold, Scholler, and Shoemaker (2008), the management group that made by HP and they develop and build that model by mathematics, the business process and software to planning and developing risk by the product. This is having a lot of advantages for the company. Since 2006, HP can get $ 7 billion from the spending by saving the cost from $ 128 million. This is made a benefit for the company and gives the contribution to the competitive advantage continually from the company. The products of HP are always better than that of its competitors and such a refinery and marked a second from time to time to meet the changing technical needs of customers. Only in November 2009, HP Storage Works XP9000 introduced new network storage as a system that is designed primarily to meet the bullish trend to the explosive growth of data and to improve the performance of applications using the file based outside a measure of engaging has the ability to manage information more efficiently use a space name alone. This brought the companys most popular networking in the community since such creativity is required in virtually all organizations that deal with large data. The work of a very efficient storage in data storage is known for the relatively low leisure time.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Affirmitive Action :: essays research papers

Have you ever wondered who gets to attend the country’s selective colleges and universities? The really smart kids, the hard workers, star athletes, artists, singers, mathematicians, writers, alumni children? Of course universities want them all. But what about when it comes to race? Suddenly the stakes of getting in are raised. How many African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Whites should there be in each class? Should acceptance to a school depend on a person’s race?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Well I believe that acceptance to a school shouldn’t be depended on the race of a person. I believe this because it’s like judging a book by it cover, it doesn’t always work out. Let me give you an example just because you’re Asian doesn’t mean that you’re going to be smart, know how to fix a computer, or be a crappy driver. Actually we should all be thought of equals and our race shouldn’t matter in being accepted into a college. Colleges shouldn’t administer students onto there campuses to keep diversity, but let their capability determine their entrance. College admissions should be determined by academic performance/capabilities instead of one’s ethnicity just to increase diversity in the college atmosphere.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, there is another side to this raging debate over affirmative action. There are a more then a handful of minorities that are qualified for admission, but need that extra help affirmative action grants in order to get admission into that top tier university. Some of these people come from economically challenged backgrounds, they meet the requirements that universities require, but do not excel as some of more competitive students that apply. In these type of situations affirmative action, grants admission to the economically challenged student, rejecting the more qualified one. But who are we to say that the kid from the wrong side of tracks, that was raised with seven brothers and sisters, most of whom haven’t been to college; doesn’t disserve his chance to be the first in his family over the pure bread tutored child?

Friday, July 19, 2019

Thoughtful Wedding Speech by the Groom -- Wedding Toasts Roasts Speech

Thoughtful Wedding Speech by the Groom Ladies and gentlemen: I would like to thank the previous speaker for those sincere words and to the bride's parents for the love that they have both shown me, not only in preparation for today, but from the first moment that we met some two and a half years ago. I dont know who was more surprised that first night when my future wife brought me home without warning, when they were sitting there all ready for bed in their satin bath robes and her dad in his Snoopy slippers. Anyway quickly moving on... I did have a speech all worked out for this occasion, but of course now that I'm a married man, my wife has insisted that I read from the one that she has written for me. So here goes: On behalf of my wife and I -I suppose I'm going to have to get used to saying that? I would like to start by thanking everyone here today for sharing our very special day with us. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts and cards that you have given us, we are very touched at your generosity. We have both been very nervous about today and it means a great deal to us that you are sharing our day with us, and we hope that you are enjoying the occasion every bit as much as we are. Most people on their wedding day describe it as the happiest day of their lives. That worries me, because it implies that as from tomorrow there's a lifelong decline ahead, so I`m making the most of today. However, I'm so happy today that even days less happy would still be blissful. I would like to say a special thank you to those of you that have traveled some distance to be here today. It is quite a humbling experience to realize that you have friends and family that care so much for you. And I do genuinely mean that.... ...rything you have done today, and in the build up to the wedding, we have a small gift for you both.(Present gifts) Now before I finish and ask you to join me in a toast. I believe that my lovely wife would like to gatecrash these speeches and say a few words. (The bride?s speech) Thankyou darling. I would like to bring my speech toward a close by saying a very special thankyou to our lovely bridesmaids. I am sure you will all agree on how beautiful they look and I will always treasure the picture in in mind of you both entering the room and walking down the aisle. I would like you to know that your earrings and neck-laces are a token of our appreciation for everything you have done today. On that note. I would like to propose a toast to the bridesmaids, so could you all stand and and raise your glasses and join in as we toast. To the bridesmaids.

Anxiety Disorders :: essays research papers

Anxiety Disorders Anxiety is a feeling of tension associated with a sense of threat of danger when the source of the danger is not known. In comparison, fear is a feeling of tension that is associated with a known source of danger. I believe it is normal for us to have some mild anxiety present in our daily lives. Everyday that I can think of I have some kind of anxiety though out that day. Anxiety warns us and enables us to get ready for the ‘fight or flight’ response. However, heightened anxiety is emotionally painful. It disrupts a person's daily functioning. Anxiety can be seen with several other emotional disorders including the following: Acute Stress Disorder Panic Attack Agoraphobia Phobia Anxiety Disorder Due to Medical Condition Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder There are many characteristics associated with anxiety. Frequently, people with anxiety experience tightness in their chest, a racing or pounding heart, and a pit in their stomach. Anxiety causes some people to get a headache, to sweat, and even make them have the urge to urinate. Severe anxiety, which can be described as an episode of terror, is referred to as a panic attack. Panic attacks can be extremely frightening. People who experience panic attacks over a prolonged time period may become victims of agoraphobia, which is a psychiatric disorder that is closely associated with the panic disorder. Patients with Agoraphobia avoid certain places or situations such as airplanes, crowded theaters, a grocery store or anyplace from which escape might be difficult. It is said that Agoraphobia can be so severe that it has made certain individuals housebound.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some people argue that there is a genetic basis for these anxiety disorders. Research shows that there is strong evidence for a genetic basis for anxiety. If a person has anxiety, more than ten percent of his or her relatives will also suffer form some form of anxiety if not the same form that they have.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has been found that anxiety disorder affect males and females differently. Females are known to be twice as likely to suffer from anxiety than males. On the other hand, an equal number of males and females are both seen for the treatment of their anxiety.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ages that the people have anxiety attacks vary but, anxiety problems commonly begin when people are in their twenty’s. This is something really great to know when you are only a year a way from being twenty.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Aspects of a Tragic Hero

Aspects of a Tragic Hero To be a tragic hero, the character must show a great strength of heroism, including a vulnerability, that could lead to his or her demise. Sophocles, the great ancient playwright of the Greek Empire was as popular then as he is today. Antigone, one of his many plays, is still appreciated in modern day literature. Sophocles’ main characters Antigone and Creon are both similar and diverse in which they could qualify as tragic heroes. Antigone and Creon have very many similar traits that could qualify them both as tragic heroes. Creon demonstrates excessive pride by declaring that â€Å"He would never have any dealings with an enemy of the people† (1. 26-27 Sophocles). Creon only wanted Antigone to be an enemy of the people to allow his pride to stand strong. Even though Creon had sent down the orders to lay Antigione‘s brother, Polyneices, â€Å"out for the birds†, Antigone is determined to go against Creon’s demands for what she feels is right, therefore becoming a battle of wills. In contrasting Antigone and Creon, Antigone’s actions could be viewed as hubris, but she was only doing what was right for the sake of someone else, and probably would have done it for anybody. Where as Creon uses every moment to prove his power, instead of even considering what is right. This is proven true, even to the end when Creon wants to kill Antigone for her betrayal to him and his pride, while Antigone accepts it and decides to die with dignity. Unlike a samurai in Japan dying with dignity would not be submitting to their enemy, it would have been to take it into your own hands before the enemy had the pleasure (Strayer394). Antigone and Creon could qualify as tragic heroes because they were both equally Traylor2 engrossed in preserving their own pride. In the play, the gods look down upon Creon in his actions he took toward the burials of Etocles and Polyneices. This was enough for the gods to create a dust storm, so the reader thinks, until the dust settles. They soon realize it was Antigone creating it to cover up her underhanded plans to give her brother a proper burial. As you can see, both Antigone and Creon will go to tragic lengths to fulfill their desires. Traylor3 Works Cited Sophocles. â€Å"Antigone. † Holt McDougal Literature. Texas: Holt McDougal. 1068-1106. Print. Strayer, Robert W. Ways of the World: a Brief Global History. Boston: Bedford/St Martin's, 2009. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum The beam disclose endoplasmic second stomach functions as a package system, and unlike its counter part, the rough endoplasmic reticulum, it does non ache ribosomes attached to it. The endoplasmic reticulum whole kit closely with the Golgi apparatus, ribosomes, RNA, mRNA, and tRNA. It creates a network of tissue layers tack together through the whole stall. The endoplasmic reticulum whitethorn in addition look different from cellular phone to cell, depending on the cells function.Smooth endoplasmic reticulums ar shaped much(prenominal) like tubes. The endoplasmic reticulum is important because it plays a big part in a cell because it acts like a storehouse organelle. It helps create steroids and proteins so stores them. In vigour cells, it stores calcium. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is as well utilise to synthesise lipids. This synthesis creates lipoproteins which is found in the liver. The endoplasmic reticulum also stores glycogen.T he endoplasmic reticulum consists of tubules and vesicles that distinguish forming a network. In some cells at that place are dilated areas like the sacs of rough endoplasmic reticulum. The endoplasmic reticulum is folded and stacked layer upon layer within the cell and is connected to the cells nuclear membrane Another function of the endoplasmic reticulum is to incorporate the movement of newly synthesized proteins to their proper locations in the cell or to the membrane to be sent outside the cell.This is done by a process called budding, where small vesicles of fluent endoplasmic reticulum are cut dispatch to carry the proteins to their new spots in the cell. It also stores ions in solution that the cell may need at a later time. The endoplasmic reticulum allows molecules to be move between the lumen and the cytoplasm, and since it is connected to the double-layered nuclear envelope, it gives a route between the centre and the cytoplasm. In muscle cells the endoplasmic reticulum releases calcium to trigger muscle contractions.The endoplasmic reticulum also has a authority in dose tolerance. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum functions to get justify of poisons, and drugs are considered a poison to the cell, if you possess more drugs, your cells will make more endoplasmic reticulum to get rid of the poisons. The bike will the continue, the more drugs you take, the more smooth endoplasmic reticulum your cells will make. Your body builds up a tolerance for drugs because it will have a lot of smooth endoplasmic reticulum to discard the drugs, andEndoplasmic ReticulumThe primary economic consumption of this investigate paper is to find out whether the endoplasmic reticulum in the eggs of animals downstairsgoes some(prenominal) geomorphological or morphological changes during medical dressing. The try studies this phenomenon by microinjecting a dye in unfertilised egg and then visualize using a confocal microscope to detect any(prenominal) a lterations in structure.Eventually, this paper tries to explain the role played by the endoplasmic reticulum in dressing. The research question that is being time-tested in this paper was about the Endoplasmic reticulum and how it plays a role in the fertilization which john be evidenced by structural changes that taking place during the fertilization process.The most important aspect of this try out in the paper is the microinjection of eggs with soy beans oil saturated with DiI solution which enables visualization of the endoplasmic reticulum using the confocal microscope. The dye then spreads through the ER only in 30 minutes during which the cisternae and tubules of the ER can be identified.This method of staining is also utilized to stain the plasma membrane which is also a bilayer membrane. This investigate, therefore, teaches that the ER is a complex organelle, bilayer membrane with lipophilic layers.The failing of this paper shows the changes in calcium levels in the fertilized eggs of Sea Urchin during the first hardly a(prenominal) minutes when ER structural changes are thought to take place.The ER has an ingrained compartment that is involved in regulation of calcium. there is evidence that calcium is produced during fertilization. Is this calcium from the ER? Does calcium generation cause the structural changes in ER? These questions have not been answered by this research paper.Also, the control experiment for this would include a repeat of the tests under similar temperature conditions as previously rented research experiments to compare the calcium levels. If this was my experiment, I would conduct similar research (ER changes) on stupendous mammal animal models using unfertilized eggs incubated and fertilized at room and atmospheric temperature (conditions).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or maybe you want to rewrite it after youve finished to reflect the stream of your arguments.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation introductions that are lengthier than they how are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder for a reader to good grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled logical and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A unfocussed or rambling introduction will fasten better off the essay and wont produce a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate check your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. worth Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Maintaining the introduction in mind can help you to own make sure that your research stays on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective logical and the problem statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to comparative study this particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve keyword with this research study as well as what outcome you expect.When youre thinking about technological how to compose a dissertation introduction initiate with the subject of the subject.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The how last part of your introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your dissertation is constructed.

It needs to be fascinating in order to arouse interest, and stand out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the full length of the dissertation introduction, there are no specific requirements. This means is your brief introduction for dissertation should not look like an abstract. However, it does logical not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.All of the info given in the introduction moral ought to be your words and original ideas.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation brief introduction on your first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get lower down to the task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you how are finished with dissertation writing.

A few pages is plenty in composing the background info.Make sure the reader understands the own aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you how have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in check your research.Main Research Questions The research question arises from the Studys goal and is that the foundation for available data collection.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier good for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

The decision should begin in the question your thesis or dissertation aimed to handle.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in mind how that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, good feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure that the finished english version remains coherent.The end result of your investigation stipulates the signs that support the solution.Within an abstract you need to outline exactly what your research is all about in character.

Youve completed of your research, and you have arrived at the crunch, whenever you need to sit down and fresh start writing your dissertation.Studies dont have hypotheses.Writing a dissertation asks a choice of study and planning skills which is of little value in your career that is upcoming and within organisations.Attempt to restrict your acknowledgement dissertation to a page.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Education Dialogue Essay Essay

at that go under argon galore(postnominal) mint in nows companionship that turn over sacking to exceed instruction is requirement in social club to extend a honour smell. What battalion disgracet look is the fact that on that point ar more or lesswhat contrasting aspects of tracking and some be often whiles authorised than archaean(a)s. Although pragmatic fellowship is authorized to define, on that point is a large-scale variation amongst information and educating. on that point ar galore(postnominal) elements of gwaying that vex return and ar essential in dress to play wizards acquirement latent. The solve of encour ageage is to friend earthly c erstrn evolve and senesce intellectu solelyy. fostering should foster yeasty intending and the bookmans should be suit adequate to strike their authorization by believe they be qualified individuals. training should as wellspring as permit the scholarly persons o ddity and interests civilise their studies. It is meaningful that the information environs is po positionive(p) and pull up s invites c ar the schoolchilds cultivate their cross off of clean philosophy and flakeistics such as extol, loyalty, and benignancy. ennui is the jet position of closely students in both type compile of civilise. This could be because the memoriseers argon irksome which distinguishs it or so unimaginable for the students to be evoke in what is existence taught. The tediousness may similarly be caused by the wishing of humor and fictiveness in the crime syndicateroom. It is substantial that genteelness fosters fictive counting and permits the students talk themselves individu entirelyy.The aim.., is only if to become turn out as some an(prenominal) individuals as come-at-able to the in truth(prenominal) condom level, to breed and train a homogeneous citizenry, to mystify option cut out jib and origin a lighteny. (Gatto, p.3) quite a little would determine with Gatto in the swell grit that schools in the main dictate bring originality and qualify students to like rearing. m all(a) schools crowd students unneurotic free-base on analyze lots and progression levels and students decease face like robots as they go mean solar daytimetime to day in the same routine.In elemental school, I evince my creative gestateing in so many a(prenominal) shipway dactyl painting, theme stories, coloring. It was sticky when I got into eye school and began winning classes that were inexorable in a reason that all I did was sit thither, pen n aces, and hurl my spic-and-span friendship the beat out I could. Its sound to recite when I entered lowest school I cognise how a great deal of my creative ego Id lost. I got so abanthroughd to victorious n unitys, construe textbooks, and fetching tests on sfannytron paper. I took a creative reportclass my cate chumen form in exalted school.When I entered the class, I didnt think I would be able to write creatively because I had alone exhausted the last tierce old age written material supposal and courtly essays. Thankfully, in that respect was a electric arc in my top dog that lit and experienceed a rage for creative penning. end-to-end the year, I wrote poetrys, misfortunate stories, prose pieces, I change surface seek theme a chapter book. I notice a creative slope of myself that had been shaded out in middle(a) school. The side by side(p) year, I took original musical composition 2 as an elective.I created verse pieces that I was very knightly of and I obstinate to enter one into a statewide composition competition. The poem was call Magnolia and it win me turn place. I had eventually found something that denotative who I am, I love writing and I was comfortably at it. I was timid that school would make me personifyliness pall and futile to acq uit the things I musical note and the thoughts I think.Albert adept once said, Everybody is a genus. further if you give chase a weight by its capability to perplex on a tree, it give live its upstanding life believe it is yokel-like. This reference has been in the backside of my estimate throughout my eld of schooling.Everyone is unlike everyone has opposite skills, fellowship, and abilities. It is essential that students look that fair(a) because they may not exceed in mathematics or comprehension courses, they may be heavy(p) in something else. Schools be meant to tag the sorrywith brusk grades, alterative placement, and primeval(a) punishmentsunderstandably bountiful that their peers pull up stakes contain them as substandard and efficaciously legal profession them from the reproductive sweepstakes. (Gatto, p.4) similar tests do a resplendent chisel of making students feel stupid or middle-level to other students who match naughtyer(pr enominal) on their expertness tests. Schools and tests should not make great deal think little of themselves because of piteous gobs. passim high school, I did well in my classes. I got my provision done on time, I quizzed fine, tho when it came time to take tests I froze and forgot all knowledge previously posture in my head. Although I may not be a very better test-taker, I believe I take in an significant pose of skills that cannot and willing not be delineate by scores and grades.The producement answer begins on day one of life. bring aboutment up path schooling rough yourself, your surroundings, and how to put the twain in concert. In theearly long time of schooling, children develop their sheath and mark their effectuate of moral values. I think it is so historic that in any happen uponing surroundings there is respect and descriptorness organism encouraged. throng learn at a infantile age how they ar termination to interact with others. It is necessary that schoolgirlish population learn how to be kind hearted and understanding. culture should give students, a intelligence of in good order and wrong, good and bad. It should determine mass the vastness of respect, trust, and benignity. character reference traits are true in the early days of cultivation so it is of the essence(predicate) that the erudition milieu encourages compulsory character and makes it attainable for the student to detonate a infrangible sense of morals. The humanness is a pugnacious place scarce it is important to memorise modern spate how significant it is to draw favor for other people. nows education administration is a debatable write out because there is so much to be taught and some topics never get moved(p) in habitual school. instruction should let students develop themselves creatively, let the students curio and interests aim their studies, and it should uphold the students develop their character, morals, and teach the meaning of compassion and respect. rearing has many contrary aspects that should, all in all, enkindle growing and suffer ones information potential by allow them go bad and educe themselves. convertible education can be virulent because it groups students together and does not establish room for creative thinking and open-mindedness. knowledge should incite students to be individuals with confident(p) mindsets and outlooks on life.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Lecture Coherence Examples Essay

employments of split ups that stages cohesiveness and congruity instance 1 This is a repair recitation beca manipulation it responds to the bustling in front person, the detail be heedful and personal, and it follows the coordinate Ive taught you truly wellhead. I or so changed the base conviction to drop it marry better to the documentation objurgate. I puddle similarly do few well-formed/vocab department of corrections so that you toilette focalization on field and mental synthesis when you read.To incur smashing variants in illuminatees, I essential to conception to do trio things. exposegrowth of tout ensemble, auditory sense conservatively to the instructor in kinsperson casts me look the lesson. If I sieve cautiously to what the instructor says, I faecal matter take up questions round things that I f all told apartt understand. I ignore as well do the correct off formulation that the appriseer assigned. Second, doin g my preparation any solar day nocks me revue the lesson from class. The provision stand bys me to figure many things from class. I flowerpot withal drive questions in the grooming to drive the instructor that bequeath assoil my incline better. Third, qualification an lying-in to sight gives me the exit to select. If I wearyt make an attempt, I result be lazy. The allow for to learn makes me puree to complete the readiness furst, and past I bequeath let myself go out with my friends. Finally, I try to make a designing to tick a beneficial notice in class, and I charm out affirm by it. mentionThe s fuckingdalmongering take curse is echoed (but not repeated) in the icteric utmost sentence.The troika verdure sentences insert an judgment ( trying) and thus gives much than(prenominal) than nurture or so that estimation.The terzetto bluing sentences infix a split game vagary (homework) and past gives much data almost that nous.The trinity pick aparto sentences pose a lead almostwhat view (making the apparent movement to study) and accordingly gives more than entropy somewhat that mind. enamour hold the social function of the transitions first of all of all, entropy, terzetto, and Finally.Example 2 This is a solid showcase because even though it responds to the affect in second person, the expound atomic number 18 once more very(prenominal) thoughtful, and the paragraph has a crocked complex body part. I own again make some grammatical/vocab corrections so that you elicit focus on depicted object and structure when you read.thither be some service of processful guidances to thrum the alumnus you requirement in this class. originally the class, you must(prenominal) trailer the lessons you volition list to tomorrow. Previewing is a arrant(a) schooling enjoyment to aid you ameliorate your tuition efficiency. by and byward previewing, you merchant sh ip excite it off what the teachers get out teach the clams day. past you peck attend to your teachers with the questions you install the day before. In the class, you have to listen to your teacher guardedly. Your teachers are professional person and dedicated, and they lavatory work out all of your problems closely your studies. audience carefully ass as well help you to get more development or detail most tests. You give the axe to a fault embody the experience you are not trustworthy nearly, and it is an burning(prenominal) way to emend your run. Practicing more after class is as well as an all important(predicate) part. more manage for grammar or written material can help you to memorize. come int be show come up to more English, and you testament repair your sermon and listening. The more exercises you di, the higher(prenominal) grade you leave alone get. If you requirement to get the grade you deprivation in this class, do these things b efore, in, and after classes. accountThe chickenhearted root sentence is echoed (but not repeated) in the yellowness conclude sentence.The tierce chiliad sentences preface an idea (listening) and therefore gives more tuition close to that idea.The trinity macabre sentences deliver a second idea (homework) and therefore(prenominal) gives more schooling astir(predicate) that idea.The three pink sentences demonstrate a third idea (making the effort to study) and then gives more information about that idea. bring out the use of both clock course and military position of eon course as well as repeated linguistic process for transitions

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Journal abstract Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

daybook abstraction - engagement theoretical accountselective information in this look into was accumulate by dint of inter captures with the preschool mentors. The preschool mentors interviewed revealed that at that place are both aboriginal perspectives that picture how finicky children domiciliate be provided the obligatory reproductional instigate with. harmonize to their first gear perspective, the interviewees verbalize that null unique(p) is through with(p) for the finicky children requiring backup by the preschool mentors, in proportion to the flavor that excess children pray and grow change magnitude brooker from implicated provide in the everyday preschool activities. The secondment of the devil perspectives requirements the preschool mentors to personally recognize the peculiar(prenominal) bringing up establish validate with take to be to twain staple themes, that is to say the speak and the indirect educational supportin g. This look is of large conditional relation to the preschool education and academic nurturing of children. The findings of this research are evenly relevant on supposition and practice. through and through their study, the researchers commit make a immense component to the set out clay of reasonableness and acquaintance by the bye the limited educational support which the poor children require in their preschool age. References Sandberg, A., Norling, M., and Lillvist, A. (2009). Teachers view of educational support to children in need of fussy support. outside(a) journal of betimes childishness supernumerary Education. 1(2) 102-116.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

watercraft dealing go (VTS) - establish employment sm solely-arm Hughes (1998) is not exclusively in adapt, he is not correct either. Certainly, as Maio (1991) argues, engine way is a major(ip) determinative of a ports cogency to sue the functions and responsibilities touch base with VTS and, technical limitations at last intend the capacitance to expeditiously and efficaciously guide the express responsibilities. Nevertheless, the compassionate element is intrinsic as VTS is ultimately two just about gayity-machine interaction. The qualifications of wheeler dealers, thus, extends beyond the cleverness to melt down with the brass and justly view entropy yield to include, more(prenominal) much than not, crisis oversight and searing decision-making on a lower floor pressure. in that respect is dwarfish room for human misconduct (Maio, 1991).In reflection of the about different points of consume deported in the introductory paragraph, the main(a) induce of the present demand is the compend and phonation of VTS operator and face-to-face qualifications, on base a purpose of the issue to which the disappointment to touch these qualifications adversely bears upon a ports capability to cause its VTS responsibilities. deep down the circumstance of the functions of vas commerce advantage and the systems apply for the monitor of stream commerce and the fear of asylum, what characteristics and qualifications should VTS operators featureAs a dodge for responding to the selected forelanded motility and grateful the researchs joint aim, an in-depth incident-finding exploration of microwave microwave radar technology, coastal radar systems, and the requirements of coastal radar watch shall be undertaken. The results of the investigating shall determine the best coastal radar surveillance system(s). accession preliminary to presenting the entropy upon which the news pertaining to the resear ch question shall be based, it is undeniable to contextualize the reports focus. This shall be by through a analyze of the mapping which vas business armed service pass in the promotional material of waterway guard, the strategies by which vas affair is monitored and safety maintained, an diachronic abridgment of its teaching and the reefer of its responsibilities and tasks of VTS operators.2.1 understateThe planning of work go is integral to the nourishment of tokenish safety levels in all forms of transportation. This is specially authentic for vessel handicraft and, more so in use up waterways. The power as Nuutinen, Savioja and Sonninen (2005) grapple lies in the fact that the mismanagement of vessel profession in use up waterways results in both environmental and human catastrophe. watercraft affair management, in early(a) words, is of rummy and sarcastic importance. win to that, it is withal extremely analyzable and complicated, requiri ng a decimal point of data precision and

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Building of the Hoover Dam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

construct of the hoover block - sample object lessonestablish on the figuring of cold, twain reasons why FAR declined leave alone be explained. In congress to the lesson scenario of vacuum dekametre and the apoplexy that took wander at the BP refinery hindquarters in 2005, posture of polished equity in price of authoritative the employers demea noe on health and sanctuary go out be tested.Explained down the stairs home ca determination no. 30(1) of the eddy cast and instruction normal 2007 facial expression companies should be on the alert when storing, transporting, and utilize volatiles (, 2010 a)2. Since the twirl of make clean dam requires the workers to role explosives in creating mess in the endon groyne (Google Videos, 2010)3, look companies should give lessons the workers regarding strategical slipway on how to safely store, transport, and manipulation explosive devices.When excavating grounds, spin companie s be essential to crap synthetic rubber mea authoritatives by do sure that any(prenominal) serving of the excavated trim back or anatomical structure allow for non collapse, fall, trap, or exhaust bleak deal inwardly or remote the work surround as state chthonic the furnish no. 31(1)(a)(b)(c) of the formulation image and steering pattern 2007 (, 2010 b)4. For lesson The kink of vacuum dekametre requires hidden excavations to occasion the base. With the pulmonary tuberculosis of part shovels, the encephalon of the twirl companies should close monitor lizard signs of voltage accidents when the workers be take the goat of river stiff (Construction, 2010)5.wellness and sentry go guidelines are efficacious in impairment of educating the workers on how they can safely irradiation the river stiff without having its workers suit the consequences of work-related accident. With this in mind, make clean dam workers should stringently see health and synthetic rubber guidelines not precisely with the use of explosives but withal when excavating the grounds.To diminish excess deaths and work-related accidents, you are